multiple objective support

In last webinar I had asked about potential solutions to support balancing across multiple objectives and speaker ran out of time before answering. It occurs to me that there is a lot of interesting prior work from classical learning domain associated with balancing between multiple (potentially divergent) objectives as aggregated into a single meta metric, particularly in context of classification involving balancing between bias / variance tradeoffs, which extend simple accuracy metrics to include alternate framings like AUC, f1 score, etc. I am wondering if such forms of aggregated metrics could be packaged into a simple Ocean packet for integration into a CQM solver?



1 comment
  • Hello,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and for your interest in our D-Wave Systems.

    At present no such functionality exists.

    Please submit a Feature request to the D-Wave Ocean Tools GitHub to help promote the addition of this functionality: 
    New Issue · dwavesystems/dwave-ocean-sdk (

    Alternatively, if you have some background in the area and are interested in contributing to the D-Wave Ocean Tools, please put together an implementation of this functionality and submit a pull request for review:
    Pull requests · dwavesystems/dwave-ocean-sdk (

    It is always great to have our community members get involved in the development process. 
    Thank you again for your interest and participation.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

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