Trying to solve a problem using LeapHybridCQMsolver , giving infeasible solutions

I am trying to solve an optimization problem which I have boiled down to some binary variables with a given objective function and applied the constraints as well, however the cqm solver is returning an infeasible solution which is not abiding by the constraints I had set , can anyone please help me with regards to this , how should I change my code such that it always follows the constraints I had set . I am new to this field and a bit lost 



1 comment
  • Hello,

    It is really difficult to debug this kind of logical issue.

    One question that is really important to ask is whether there is a feasible solution to the problem.
    It is possible to formulate problems such that there is no feasible solution.
    For example something like "A and not A".

    Breaking the problem implementation down in to minimal code examples can help to determine whether there are feasible solutions and whether the parts of the problem formulation are behaving as expected.

    If it is determined that feasible solutions exist, increasing the time_limit should help with solution quality.

    If you haven't had a chance to look at our Problem Solving Handbook, this is a great place to start!

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