Embedding time

I cannot find a parameter for 'embedding time' in the D-Wave literature.   To me, 'embedding time' is the maximum time the D-Wave System is allowed to generate an embedding for a problem; then it times out.   I would like to be able to adjust 'embedding time' in the Advantage system.

Richard Warren



1 comment
  • Hi Richard,

    Embedding occurs locally and is handled in Ocean, before a  problem is submitted to the D-Wave System.       

    For general embedding, the timeout parameter can be used to control the max embedding time. This optional parameter defaults to 1000 seconds when no explicit value is provided for it.

    Here is an example that shows one of the convenient ways of passing the timeout parameter to find_embedding through the EmbeddingComposite via the embedding_parameters argument.

    sampler = EmbeddingComposite(DWaveSampler())
    #if embedding not found within 10 timeout seconds, algorithm would give up
    sampleset = sampler.sample(bqm, embedding_parameters=dict(timeout=10))

    For clique embedding, there is no such parameter available. Instead, find_clique_embedding caches the embedding on the first call so it can be reused in subsequent calls. 

    Do you have a specific use-case in mind for which you want to limit the embedding time? I may be able to provide some more problem-specific examples and resources that could help. 

    Please let me know if you have any other questions!

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