QPU Access Time 0μs

When running my code on a hybrid machine, the output from the inspector for the QPU Access Time sometimes is 0, while the run time looks fine. What does that mean? Did the computer not access the qpu at all?



1 comment
  • Hello,

    This footnote will give you an idea of why you might see a zero QPU time returned:

    Here is the excerpt for your convenience:

    [3] qpu_access_time might be zero for submissions with short run_time. Because the QPU is a shared, remote resource, the first set of samples from the QPU might not be received before a short explicitly-specified or default time_limit is reached. In such cases, the hybrid solver respects the time limitation and returns without the QPU having a chance to contribute to the solution. On the large, complex problems for which hybrid solvers are intended, this is unlikely to occur.

    I hope this was helpful.

    Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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