Multi-Start Annealing

If this already a feature and I haven't figured out how to use it, I apologize in advance.


One nice feature of both the greedy and tabu solvers that dwave offers is that you can specify, up to the number of reads, various starting locations for the search to the begin. What I'm looking for is the ability to do this on the QPUs. For reverse annealing, one can specify a specific starting point. From there, one can make each read either start from the output of the last read, or reinitialize to the original starting point. What I am looking for is the ability to, like for greedy and tabu, specify various starting points for various reads. It would be even better if there was an option to pick various starting points for various reads and have a certain number of reads for each starting spot I specify which continue from the last output. A best of both worlds as one might say. I'm unsure if there are technical difficulties in implementing this. Thank you for your time and help. 



1 comment
  • Hello,

    At present this feature is not yet available.

    We have passed your request internally to the appropriate team and will get back to you with any updates.

    Thank you for reaching out to us with your ideas and insights!

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