How Do I Choose a Time Limit for the Hybrid Solver?

Here are some guidelines to help you find the optimal time limit to use with the hybrid solver:

  1. Start with the default time. If you call the LeapHybridSampler without a time limit the sampler will calculate a minimum time based on the size of your problem.
  2. If you want to try to get better results, start with doubling the default time. You can continue to increase the time if you still want to try to get a better solution.
  3. Once the quality of the solution stops changing with additional run time you have probably found an optimal time for your problem. Keep in mind that the hybrid solver is probabilistic, like the QPU, so it's best to compare results from multiple runs at each time. 

It is important to note that running the LeapHybridSampler for more time does not guarantee a better solution. For more information on how the time limit is calculated check out the LeapHybridSampler documentation.

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